The main key to ensuring the longevity of your floors is regular Care of Floors. This could sound basic but what works for one floor does not necessary work for the other. Actually, it is not a one-floor size fits all scenarios. So how then exactly are you supposed to take care of floors? Let us now examine the most common floor types and the best practices to care for them.
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i. Wooden floors
This is one of the most common flooring types seen in homes all around the world. The most important thing to remember when working with wood is avoiding water as much as possible; wood and water do not mix. That being said, you could use alternative methods such as sweeping, waxing and cleaning to maintain your wooden floor. Mopping is recommended once a week but one has to ensure that the mop has little or no water. Over time your natural wood floor might start to fade. To make it look brand new, you can mix warm water and some lemon oil and then wipe the floor with the mixture.
ii. Laminate floors
Laminate floors are easily scratched so one needs to ensure that they are clean always. Constant and careful cleaning is required .For a laminate floor, just sweep and vacuum it. Just like wooden flooring, it is not advisable to soak them with water as they get easily damaged by water. If you are wiping yours, then you require a mop or clothing that is damp. Most stains can be easily wiped from laminates but when the permanent stains occur, you are not to use a hard scrubbing product such as a scouring pad to remove them. Instead use a soft detergent or any other house cleaners to have them cleaned.
iii. Stones and tiles floors
These two floorings are easy to take care of floors. The difference between the stones and the tiles is that the tiles are not sealed while the stones are. Tiles can easily be mopped as long as one is using a household cleaner. Spills and other stains should be cleaned as soon as possible to avoid accidents such as slippages, as the tiles are waterproof.
iv. Vinyl floors
This is the easiest flooring to take care of floors. You only need a mild detergent and a soft clothing to clean it once a week. You can also sweep or vacuum the flooring during the week as need be. Before you use any detergent on your vinyl floor, it is good to check whether it will damage it by trying the detergent on a particular corner and seeing its effects. Just as the wood and laminate floors, don’t let water to flood on your vinyl as it destroys it.
v. Concrete floors
Almost all households today have a concrete floor or a sort somewhere in the compound, particularly the garage. Concrete floors are hard to deal with because unlike tiles, which are waterproof, they are porous and they tend to absorb anything that pour on them. For general maintenance, you just sweep the floor with a proper broom. When spills and stains such as oil occur, attend to them immediately and then clean the floor with a heavy-duty detergent and an absorbent material such as a sponge. If the stains have dried, then flood the area around the stain with water. Use a sponge and detergent to help you clean the floor.
Keep in mind that a well maintained floor shows how much one care of floors for his or her house!